PUPDATE: 5/2/2022
Bunny update. 

She is back home with her foster family and resting. Overall everything went well. There were a couple times her heart rate got pretty low but her heart responded very well to the medication needed to support it under anesthesia. There was not enough healthy bone for a plate so screws were used to hold everything in place. Bunnie has a long recovery ahead of her. It can take the soft tissue 2-3 weeks to heal and 8-12 weeks for bones. For the first two weeks she must be confined to a crate or small area, once her sutures are removed in 2 weeks we will begin to slowly increase her activity.
PUPDATE: 4/11/2022
Bunnie is at our vet this am we are redoing x-rays on her heart and doing a EKA for the cardiologist to review, She may need a echo before surgery we should find out by Wed. Keep watching for her updates.
Bunnie went for her initial vet visit yesterday. Bunnies pelvis is broken in 3 places and will definitely need surgery. We will be consulting with an orthopedic surgeon soon.
The veterinarian was very concerned about Bunnies heart arrhythmia as it is very abnormal. We went over a couple scenarios or possible diagnostic testing that can be done but the vet ultimately decided Bunnie should see a cardiologist. She is concerned about Bunnie under anesthesia with such an abnormal heart beat.
We did receive some bloodwork/ urine results this morning. She does not have a urinary tract infection so the bloody urine may be trauma related. 
Keep watching for her updates 

Meet Bunnie

Bunnie was found as an injured stray by animal control. The shelter suspects Bunnie was hit by a car. She has a severe pelvic fracture that will require surgery and her hind end is covered in bruises. Bunnie also has a heart arrhythmia possibly due to AV block and on x-ray her heart looks a little enlarged. She is missing some incisors and one canine tooth has a tip fracture. Her foster also noticed last night that she has blood tinged urine. Her undercoat is full of matted hair and ticks. Bunnie is currently on 2 pain medications and treatment for the ticks.
Bunnie has a long road to recovery. She will see our veterinarian today then will need a consultation with an orthopedic veterinarian to repair her pelvic fractures.
Despite everything she has going on Bunnie has been the sweetest girl! She loves to cuddle in her fosters lap and just wants to be loved.
Bunnie is estimated to be two years old. 

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-Zelle: [email protected]
-Website: www.YorkieLuvRescue.com
-Check/ cash(mail to):
Yorkie Luv Rescue
500 North Estrella Parkway B2
Suite 495
Goodyear, AZ 85338